Location / Year
Universidade NOVA de LisboaLisbon, Portugal
(July 2023)
invited keynote for the closing session for the VI CHAM (The Centre for the Humanities) International Conference: Heritage for a Common Future/Futures for a Common Heritage

Location / Year
Online: COVID-19(August 2020)
co-organiser of the fifth biennial conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies on ‘Futures’, which ran from August 26-30 and was moved entirely online due to Covid-19. The conference included 822 presentations and 1130 registered participants from 74 different countries (https://achs2020london.com). As part of this I was the convener of the ‘Conflict Heritage and Conflicted Heritages’ and the ‘Environmental Change and the Anthropocene’ sub-themes.

Location / Year
Keynes Library, BirkbeckUniversity of London
(April 2020)
co-organiser of ‘(Post)conflict ecologies: rethinking the afterlives of conflict and violence in more-than-human worlds’ workshop
Location / Year
University of Lisbon, Portugal(December 2019)
invited workshop lead, CHEurope Joint Research Seminar, Comparative approaches to heritage in Europe

Location / Year
Stockholm, Sweden(November 2019)
invited speaker, Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment, KTH Higher Seminar

Location / Year
University of Birkbeck, London(November 2019)
speaker at the HCA Lunchtime Research Seminars
Location / Year
World Cultures Museum,Gothenburg, Sweden
(November 2019)
invited plenary speaker, University of Gothenburg Centre for Critical Heritage Studies Annual International Symposium “Critical Heritage Studies: Current Discourses and Global Challenges”
Location / Year
UCL, London(June 2019)
invited speaker, AHRC/UKRI Heritage Research Workshop: Develop & Write Successful Grant Applications
Location / Year
University of Helsinki, Finland(May 2019)
invited speaker, Archaeology Seminar Series “When 21st Century Conflict Archaeology meets 20th Century Wars in Europe, South America and the Middle East”

Location / Year
UiT The Arctic University of Norway(September 2018)
invited speaker, “Unruly Heritage research seminar”, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Tromsø, Norway and Kilpisjärvi, Finland
Location / Year
Senate House, London(September 2018)
invited speaker, International Symposium on “Deterritorialising the Future: Heritage in, of and after the Anthropocene”, organised by AHRC Heritage Priority Area
Location / Year
University of Hertfordshire, London(May 2018)
invited speaker, “DHeritage (The Professional Doctorate in Heritage) Workshop”